A Powerful Gratitude Meditation Script To Transform Your Life
A 5 minute gratitude meditation script for a happier, healthier, wealthier life.
Gratitude is the highest form of thought.
Gratitude is a powerful force that can transform perspectives, enhance the quality of life, and is the very foundation of abundance.
At its core, gratitude involves acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives, no matter how small. This practice, in turn, invites a cascade of positive emotions that can profoundly influence overall well-being and outlook.
But, most people go through life with a profound misunderstanding of what gratitude is and how…
101 Gratitude Affirmations | Daily Affirmations for Gratitude
Incorporating gratitude affirmations into your daily routine can act as an intentional practice to reinforce an attitude of gratitude. Positive affirmations serve as expressions of positive thoughts, declaring to the Universe and one’s self what is true and possible. When directed towards gratitude, they help shift our focus towards the blessings we encounter.
By consistently affirming our appreciation for life’s moments, both big and small, we not only feel gratitude, but also invite a cascade of other positive emotions. Fostering a grateful spirit can profoundly influence our overall well-being and outlook on life.…
111 Journal Prompts for Money Mindset | Money Mindset Shifts
If you’ve wanted to improve your personal finances, you’ve probably tried lots of things to fix your outward reality. Things like budgets, self-help books, saving tools, financial plans…
But, what if I told you that your internal reality might hold the key to all of your financial goals?
Healthy money habits are important, but your money mindset is equally as important!
Your mindset influences the way you think and how you behave in your everyday life. It plays a big role in determining your results.
When you begin…
How to Know Your Life Purpose in 5 Minutes or Less
Have you ever found yourself pondering the age-old question, “What is my life purpose?”
It’s a question that can haunt us for years, leaving us searching for meaning and direction. Not to mention, research shows that there are real benefits to living with purpose.
While finding your life purpose can be a lifelong journey, there are quick, practical exercises that can offer valuable insights and take just a few minutes to complete.
In this post, we’ll explore a simple exercise designed to help you uncover your true purpose in…
Top 10 Daily Habits of Happiness Experts | How to Be Genuinely Happy
10 proven strategies you can start using right now to create a life that’s genuinely happy
What’s the secret to happiness?
It’s an age-old question, and, to some degree, happiness is subjective. Afterall, the specifics of what makes one person happy might not be true for another.
But, experts and researchers agree that there are common themes and traits that genuinely happy people share.
The good news is, these habits are things you can do to help you feel happier and more fulfilled.
Because the truth is, you…
Is Happiness More Important Than Success? (The Surprising Truth)
In a world that often measures worth by material achievements, the age-old question persists: Is happiness more important than success?
Many of us mistakenly believe we have to choose one over the other.
But, the surprising truth is this: You don’t have to choose! In fact, you were never meant to.
Happy vs Successful: A Common Dilemma
Before diving into the relationship between happiness and success, let’s clarify what these terms actually mean.
Happiness is a state of contentment, well-being, and emotional satisfaction. On…
How to Get Over Fear of Rejection & Go After What You Want
4 Strategies to Help You Let Go of the Need for Approval & Achieve Your Dreams
Life is an adventure, brimming with opportunities to seize!
But, for many of us, it can feel like there’s an invisible barrier keeping us stuck. Whether it’s going after your dream job, approaching someone new, or even expressing your opinion, this ever-so-common fear can keep you from living life to the fullest. When triggered, this fear can feel overwhelming and scary and prevent you from doing things you truly want to do.
In this post, I’ll help you…
7 Benefits of Having Fun | The Transformative Power of Joy
Discover why having fun is important for a more joyful and vibrant existence, and how you can start creating more fun in your own life today!
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to let the pursuit of fun slip through the cracks. In fact, for many people, fun might feel like a distant memory… Something frivolous that only children get to prioritize.
But, it’s so important to recognize that embracing fun isn’t just a luxury; it’s necessary for our overall well-being! Making time and space for fun and joy is…
101 Positive Self Talk Quotes to Overcome Your Inner Critic
Positive Self Talk Affirmations to Help You Embody Your Best Self & Build a Life You Love
Positive self-talk is a technique that works by practicing replacing negative thoughts with encouraging, optimistic ones.
This internal dialogue involves using affirmations and encouraging words during challenging situations. Think of it as choosing to listen to your inner coach vs. inner critic!
At Brave Thinking Institute, we teach a simple results formula. Your thoughts impact your feelings, your feelings impact your actions, and your actions determine your results. That means, if you want to change your results,…
Rediscover the Magic: How to Fall in Love with Life
Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and it’s easy to feel stuck in day to day tasks and challenges. I often say, some people can live for 90 years, but most end up living one year, 90 times!
If you want more out of life than living the same year over and over, here’s the important truth: In each year that we experience the gift of life, we also have an opportunity to fall in love with living all over again.
In this post, we’ll explore proven strategies that can help you build…