Affirmations tell your subconscious mind – and the universe – what’s true and possible for you. I’m sharing 100 of my favorite affirmations to attract the life you want, plus a set of free positive affirmation wallpaper images for your phone or tablet! [Jump to my list of affirmations]
If I were to ask you, “Is there an area of your life you’d love to improve?“, how would you answer?
My guess is, it would probably be a resounding “YES!”
Good news! There is a proven tool that you can use no matter what specific areas you want to improve in your life. And you can start right now, for free.
I’ve found that one of the simplest ways to create the results you want, as well as add a new habit of positivity to encourage a growth mindset in your life, is to incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine.

What are Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive, present tense statements of confirmation, validity and belief.
Your own affirmations are powerful tools that declare to your subconscious mind and the universe what you hold to be true and possible about yourself and the world.
But, here’s the catch– affirmations work both ways. In fact, we are constantly using affirmations, whether we realize it or not.
Our thought processes impact our beliefs, and our beliefs impact our behavior. Therefore, your thoughts and beliefs often end up dictating how you respond to the things in your daily life, even if you don’t realize it.
Most people tend to unconsciously affirm the opposite of what they want and intend to create.
For example, they may repeat unhelpful thoughts like, “I don’t have enough money” or “I’m fat,” continuing to affirm those undesired results over time.
In order to create your best life and step into the full potential of a new reality – and to do so with ease – the first step is to tap into the power of affirmations. After all, if you’re already unconsciously affirming negative thoughts, wouldn’t you rather use that same energy to create positive change?
I once heard that the universe’s only response to our requests is, “Yes.”
So no matter what we ask for with our thoughts, attention, and vibration, whether unconsciously or deliberately, the universe is always granting our wishes.
Daily affirmations are a powerful way to boldly state to the universe what you intend to attract and create.
What is the Purpose of Positive Affirmations? Do They Really Work?
It might be difficult to believe that a simple statement could play such a significant role when it comes to manifesting better things in our lives.
Not only are positive affirmations a great way to work with the Law of Attraction, but the impact of affirmations when it comes to making life changes and supporting personal growth have also been well-documented.
In fact, this MRI study showed that practicing self-affirmation in the form of positive mantras activated neural pathways associated with increasing self worth and lowering stress.
Researchers also found that affirmations can predict positive changes in behavior. In other words, study participants who used affirmations were more likely to successfully make changes in their behavior, leading to long term, positive life changes!
Proven Benefits of Affirmations
- Affirmations decrease stress, even in the face of negative experiences (source).
- Affirmations decrease resistance and defensiveness and support a positive perspective of challenges (source).
- Affirmations can contribute to academic achievement and career success (source).
- Affirmations lessen the amount of time spent ruminating on negative thoughts, helping individuals stay in the present moment (source).
- Affirmations empower people to be more resilient during difficult times (source).
- Affirmations increase optimism, hope, and a sense of possibility for the future (source).
- Affirmations increase feelings of self worth and self love (source).
Easy Ways to Incorporate Daily Positive Affirmations Into Your Life:
Start your mornings with daily positive affirmations: Doing this simple practice first thing in the morning will set you up for success and infuse you with positive energy to face the new day with hope and optimism.
Use affirmations throughout your day: As you face challenges, demands, and stress throughout the day, call a mental timeout. Take a deep breath and spend a minute or two reciting positive affirmations to enter the next phase of your day in a state of clarity.
Say affirmations as you transition from work to home: Stop and affirm the experience you want to create, how you want to interact with your family, and the good things you desire for the rest of your day.
End your day with positive affirmations: It’s a great way to end your evening on a high note of positivity, gratitude, and optimism. (And, affirmations have been shown to decrease stress and improve sleep!)
To help you start building your own habit of daily affirmations, I’ve put together a collection of my favorites below.
And, as a bonus, you can also click on any of the images below to download a free, hi-resolution positive affirmation wallpaper for your phone or tablet. It’s a great way to keep these affirmations in front of you all day long!
100 Positive Affirmations for Manifesting an Extraordinary Life
Positive Morning Affirmations to Start Your Day
- All that’s possible for anyone is possible for me.
- I am supported by a power greater than me, that is breathing me right now.
- I attract positive things and people in my life each day.
- I choose to do great things today.
- Every day I discover interesting and exciting new paths to pursue.
- New opportunities are attracted to me every day.
- I am well rested and energized, excited to take on the day.
- I am grateful for the gift of waking up this morning.
- I make decisions that support my best and highest good.
- I am the architect of my life, and today is my best day yet.
Daily Positive Affirmations
- I am worthy and deserving of all the things I would love in my life.
- My ideas are valuable and worth being shared.
- I do what I can, from where I am, with what I have.
- I am enough and I am loved.
- I am far more powerful and contain more potential than any circumstance, situation, or condition.
- I am connected to a deep well of inner wisdom and guidance that gives me confidence.
- I am manifesting my dream job and excited for the new opportunity that is already coming to me.
- I am capable. There is no failure, only an invitation to a new way of doing things.
- I am a creative force. I am inspired by the universe and open to new ideas.
- I am focused and my mind is clear.
Positive Affirmations for Women
- I am safe in all my relationships, and I openly give and receive love.
- My life is free from clutter and drama. My organization creates the flow of abundance in my life.
- Every day, in every way I am getting better and better.
- I choose to have compassion for my mistakes and create my personal best TODAY!
- My body responds to my healing thoughts, and I radiate health & vitality.
- I am worthy of love and I am always attracting supportive relationships into my life.
- My future is bright and I am not limited by my past.
- I deserve to invest in myself at the highest level.
- I am powerful and confident. The people around me can feel it.
- I choose to be kind to myself today and every day.
Positive Affirmations for Kids
- I am strong. I am smart. I work hard.
- I am beautiful. I am respectful.
- I am amazing. I am great.
- If I fall, I get back up.
- I choose to learn and grow. I take baby steps to create my personal best TODAY.
- I can do hard things.
- I am safe.
- I am not alone.
- I am loved.
- I am kind and others are kind to me.
Positive Affirmations for Men
- I am strong and capable.
- It is safe to feel and express my emotions to those who care about me.
- I choose to find something good in every day.
- I am accomplishing my goals each and every day.
- Today I choose to embody my personal best in all things I do.
- I find the positive perspective in every situation.
- Creative solutions always come to me easily.
- I overcome obstacles with ease. I am resilient.
- I choose motivation and inspiration over stress.
- I am supported in all ways.
Positive Affirmations for Work
- I am grateful for my job and all the things it affords me.
- I finish what matters and let go of what doesn’t.
- My work matters. My contributions are important.
- I have every quality I need to achieve success.
- I am surrounded by people who want to see me succeed.
- I am prepared, confident, and collaborative.
- Unexpected solutions come to me whenever I need them.
- I always do my best and it is seen and appreciated.
- My success is inevitable.
- Today is an opportunity for greatness.
Positive Affirmations for Relationships
- I am worthy of a healthy relationship.
- I deserve love exactly as I am.
- The right relationship is already on its way to me.
- I am excited and curious about the people I will meet today.
- The love I seek is also seeking me.
- I am happy and content in all my relationships.
- I am seen, heard, and valued in all of my relationships.
- My love for my partner grows with each passing day, as their love for me also grows each day.
- I am grateful to be in a loving, committed, strong relationship.
- I am loveable and I am surrounded by love every day.
- Click here for more love and relationship affirmations.
Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
- I am calm and at peace.
- I choose positive thoughts and positive outcomes for myself.
- I am safe and supported now and always.
- I can do the best I can with what I have right now. I don’t have to worry about anything else.
- I choose to trust the process of life.
- I choose to remember that I’m okay, even if part of me doesn’t feel sure yet.
- I feel calmer with each breath I take in. My body relaxes with each breath I release.
- I am in control of my day. I am in control of my life.
- I am more than my anxious thoughts.
- Every cell of my body is filled with peace and tranquility.
- Click here for more affirmations for self compassion and calming your inner-critic.
Positive Affirmations to End the Day
- I am grateful for the experiences, connections, and growth this day brought me.
- I am proud of myself for doing my best today.
- I release any worry from today and choose calm and relaxation in this present moment.
- I am grateful for today and looking forward to an even better tomorrow.
- I choose rest and relaxation. I am calm and at peace.
- I trust that today is bringing me closer to achieving my dreams.
- My body, mind, and spirit are completely renewed as I sleep.
- I am at peace with today and excited for tomorrow.
- No matter what I accomplished today, I choose to remember that my worth is not defined by achievements.
- I have restful, restorative sleep and I wake up feeling fully rested and vibrant.
Positive Affirmations for Manifesting
- I am a powerful creator and I am creating the life of my dreams.
- I am grateful for the countless opportunities that come to me every day.
- I take every action remembering that I am worthy of receiving the life of my dreams.
- God and the Universe are working in my favor at every turn.
- I am grateful for all that I have even as I am receiving even more than I ever thought possible.
- I make brave and empowered choices because I know I am always supported.
- My intuition guides me to take inspired action in the direction of my dreams.
- I am co-creating an abundant life with God and the Universe.
- I receive everything I need in perfect, divine timing.
- I am full of gratitude for my life and always experiencing new things to be grateful for.
- Click here for more Law of Attraction affirmations.
Choose the affirmations above that resonate the most with you– there’s no right or wrong answer as far as which affirmations to choose. It’s all about how they feel to you!
Remember, everything in life is created twice – first in our minds, and then as a physical reality. Your affirmations can help determine what you are creating.
What do you want to affirm for your life? Share your favorite positive affirmation with me in the comments below!
Ready to Use Daily Positive Affirmation to Create and Live a Life You LOVE, but feeling stuck on what exactly you want to manifest?
I invite you to join me to craft a crystal-clear vision of your dream!
In just 13 minutes you’ll connect with your deep inner wisdom and unlock possibilities greater than what you ever thought possible. When you’re confident in your expanded vision of the future, you can powerfully enact your unique next steps.
thank you for sharing this powerful affirmations. I am grateful for all. stay with love…
And love to you, too, Gulten!
Thank you very much for these affirmations that act on our subconscious mind, esspecialy when we see it with our mind through imagination, feel it with an open heart and cultivate the seeds of spirit.
YES! YES! YES! We are so pleased that you loved the affirmations, Isabela!
These affirmations are amazing, it really helps that they are printed out and posted across the room so they are the first things that you see every morning. I agree that ending your day on a positive note can really affect your outlook even with your little achievements for the day.
Thank you for sharing these amazing affirmations
Power to you!
Thanks so much I just started learning affirmation course and I find happiness around me Thanks
A daily affirmation practice is so powerful! I think we all could gain great benefits from making it a habit in our lives. Thank you for writing and sharing this article.
Thanks so much for this precious gift. I’ll practise this perfect idea everyday and try to reccommend to all my friens.
I LOVE that you did this. I am going to print these and stick them all over my house. I have 2 teenagers I raise alone and these affirmations will make such a difference in all of our lives.
I’ve seen you speak at Unity Houston. You are a gift to us all,
God Bless You.
Thanks so much for these affirmations. God bless you.
Nice affirmations. you’re blessed.
Sorry I missed it!
Thank you for these affirmations.
Thank you
I will be using these Affirmations daily
Is there a fee to attend this 1 hour online workshop ??
thank you most dearly
Your link is not directing to the right page. it’s bad..
You and your wisdom are a gift it life.
Thank you for all you share. ❤️
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for these affirmations.
I encourage my grand sons to repeat similar affirmations.
This is such a wonderful Christmas gift, Mary & Mary´s team. Thank you so much. God bless you all.
Thank you, Mary! I used to spend my drive to work reciting and feeling affirmations; however, somehow along the way, I laid those down thinking they were cemented in my brain!
Its great to read again everything I was saying in the early 2000s and it still feels great to say them today! Thank you for the permanent reminder!
These affirmations will certainly improve our lives since right now.
All the best!
Send forth those vibrattions of what you want to come to create.
Great information Mary . Thank you
Thank you Mary for a great gift and see you soon at DB Live <3
I’m coming too ?
See you Snjezana ?
Hugs from Denmark ??
You are great Thank you for your love and support and service to humanity.I greatly appreciate you Happy New year in advance.
I am great sales associate
Mary, thank you for your inspiring, informative, value packed videos. They strengthen one’s faith and activate change and transformation. … I would like to compliment you, using a phase millennials use: “You’re crushing it.” God bless! (Smiles)
Thanks ? I will take notes and had theses affirmations
Really helpful.
I so love these affirmations Mary! The one I love the most is “There is a power greater than me, breathing me right now.” Words and thoughts are so powerful and I am so grateful to you Mary,for helping me choose from an enormous selection of affirmations and phrases that help me to embrace my new life!Thanks for everything Mary!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for this work, and all the work you do to help make our lives happier and more aligned with our true potential. Happy New Year 2020 ??❤️
Thank you! Namaste.
Thank you Mary
Dear Ms. Morrisey,
I have received several emails from you inviting to attend your freeaster classes. I even attempted to attend to attend one; it was a fail because I lacked focus and confidence.
I have been in a difficult life it would appear as though I was born into a dark hole.
A life full of sadness a trauma that has spilled over throughout three generations.
If I am the one to break the cycle, I thank you and I thank the universe today, I did not ignore this message.
Thank you, for giving me hope again.
Thank you for sharing these inspiring and strengthening affirmations!
Good ideas
I needed to remember all those great things I used to do
That did change things for me
Today I am getting back to that
Mary, thank you so much for articulating so succinctly the things I have been struggling to say at such a critical time in my life. The wheels are turning slowly, but the pendulum is swinging in my direction in a positive way as the Universe responds to my new-found knowledge of the secrets of the keys to an Abundant Life. Thank you for sharing!
Affirmations become very much part of our daily lives. I thank you ? for that personal reminder to be our best and do our best. Blessings for a wonderful 2020 year to you as well.
Very strong, encouraging and uplifting affirmations. Using them daily will be surely helpful.
Sounds interesting and uplifting. I can live with such affirmations.
Thank you Mary!
This is an excellent post! Thanks so much for sharing. I will certainly be incorporating at least some of these as I usher in the new decade. Great food for thought. Thank you and many blessings to you!
Thanks that was lovely Mary.
Thank you much appreciated. I use affirmations regularly and on an ongoing basis…adding to my arsenal
There’s little else better than saying and writing an affirmation every morning !
Try to remember All Dark Clouds Do have a Silver Lining in the dawns early light. Reflect on this throughout the day and year daily and you should never stray too far from your goals.
This is powerful and inspiring . Thank you Mary for been such a blessing to us.
Thank you ?❤️
I needed working visa
Thank you, I need this.
These affirmations are amazing I am not very tec Savy but I am saving all of the cover page ones and I will keep this page to re-read over and over again. It was enlightening, honest. Humble and for me first thing in the morning to opening my mail is a chore. This was easy, a fun read, I thought I could really do this… is everyday going to be daffodils ? and ? roses no but I am willingly going to do this !! #1 I am Loved for God has Loved me first…..
These affirmations are amazing I am not very tec Davy but I am saving all of the cover page ones and I will keep this page to re-read over and over again. It was enlightening, honest. Humble and for me first thing in the morning to opening my mail is a chore. This was easy, a fun read, I thought I could really do this… is everyday going to be daffodils ? and ? roses but I willingly going to do this !! #1 I am Loved for God has Loved me first…..
Thank you very much Mary for sharing these empowering content. Some years ago I attended a seminar of Brendon Burchard and you were invited as one of the speakers in San Diego. I will never forget your performance, you started by showing a picture of you as a little girl. Thank you so much for doing such an amazing work. Greetings with lots of love and appreciation for who you are
Forunto us achild is bor, unto us ason is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful, counsellor, The mighty God, The ever lasting Father, The price of peace.