When you choose a vocation, it’s important to pick one that will support you financially, and ideally, increase your quality of life.
In just a minute, I will describe the four key domains of life:
- Health & Well-Being
- Love & Relationships
- Vocation
- Time & Money Freedom
You may have a clear vision for what you would love in one, two, or perhaps even all four of these domains, or you may not.
In either case, if you are thinking about becoming a heart-centered life coach (Q&A: What is a life coach?), or if you already are a certified life coach, here’s how the decision to pursue this sacred calling can positively impact all four of these domains of living.
The 4 Main Quadrants of Life
How life coaching can impact the four main quadrants of living.
1. Health & Well-Being
The Dalai Lama once said,
“Happiness is the highest form of health.”
As a heart-centered life coach, you are in regular conversations with people about things like:
- setting goals
- breaking through challenges
- believing in oneself
- creating a life that they would love
As a result, you can’t help but have a happier and more positive outlook on life.
And many scientific studies have found a connection between mental and emotional well-being and physical well-being.
One study even found that happiness leads to longer life. The study, published in the medical journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, found that,
“…heart patients who maintained good spirits were more likely to live longer and be hospitalized less than those with a negative disposition. The key seems to be that happy people are more likely to exercise.”
Source: https://ehealthbody.com/
Free eBook: Are You Mean to Be a Life Coach?
Learn how life coaches enhance a sense of aliveness across all 4 key domains of life.
2. Love & Relationships
You may have heard it said that the quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships.
This is absolutely true!
The coach-client relationship is an extraordinary one.
Many of the heart-centered life coaches who are certified Brave Thinking Institute coaches share with us that they often develop deep, meaningful friendships with their clients — one of authenticity, mutual respect, growth and FUN!
Just think of how developing these relationships with the people you work with can enrich your life!
Plus, when you feel happy with your life and passionate about your work, you radiate a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment and confidence that attracts people to you, which can help you meet even more new people (including potential clients) and expand your network.
3. Vocation
Many of us who feel called to become a heart-centered life coach are also attracted to the idea of creating a business around our passion for helping others.
Unfortunately, many of us have been conditioned to believe that earning a living has to be “hard work.”
That’s why it’s called “work,” right?
But, when you can align your desire to help others with how you earn a living, your vocation becomes a joyous, creative expression… your gift to the world.
This is not to say that you won’t experience some challenges along the way.
All life coaches do!
But when you feel purpose-driven — and you can see that the effort that you put into serving your clients helps them to generate incredible results in their lives — your chosen vocation GIVES you energy and vitality, instead of sapping it from you.
4. Time & Money Freedom
Many successful life coaches enjoy increased time and money freedom that allows them to finally be able to spend more time with, and enjoy all kinds of special experiences with, their loved ones, children and grandchildren.
Another benefit of life coaching is the unlimited earning potential.
Now, the abundance that many of our Brave Thinking Institute-certified coaches enjoy isn’t something that just falls into your lap.
It’s something you earn by applying the exact system that we train and support you in.
But we do have many, many life coaches earning over six figures per year.
One of our top certified coaches is earning over $600,000 per year, and all while making a tremendous difference in the lives of others.
What could be more satisfying than that?! That’s what you call a well-lived life — a life of service, contribution, freedom and abundance.
For more step-by-step tips and proven strategies on how to start or grow a successful life coaching business that makes a profound and lasting difference in the lives of others, and allows you to earn an abundant income working from anywhere that you choose, click on the link below to download my FREE ebook, Are You Meant to Be a Life Coach?
l am very well intersted
I am keen on learning more. I am 68 and semi retired per se. I am a counsellor and wellness programmer. I enjoy what i do and helping people. I would like to increase my income to a 6 figure amount and have freedom to travel.
Thank you, I’m seriously interested.
I am very passionate about supporting people to live happier, and less stressful life, through mindfulness.