FREE Guided Meditation from Mary Morrissey
Shift Into a Frequency of Gratitude and Amplify Your Abundance
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Would You Love to Amplify Your Level of Abundance in All Areas of Your Life?
Every single one of us has a dream for something more in our lives.
Perhaps you’d love to be in the deeply-fulfilling relationship of your dreams, or to meet more like-minded people and expand your friend circle. Or maybe you’d love to experience a greater abundance of time and money freedom, or to wake up each day with more energy and vitality.
Whatever your dream for more is, it’s important you know that desiring more for yourself and your life does NOT make you greedy or ungrateful for what you DO have.
We are growth-seeking beings by design…
Just as the branches of a tree stretch outwards and upwards toward the sun, it’s in your very nature to desire to stretch and grow into your freest, fullest and most expansive life. And this includes in the areas of money, relationships, career or business, and health!

If You Want Greater Abundance, Don’t Go Looking For It… Come FROM It
More and more people are becoming aware that the vibrational frequency of gratitude is harmonious with abundance.
When you feel truly grateful for what’s already in your life, you become a powerful beacon for everything that’s harmonious with the wavelength you are attuned to.
Practice gratitude on a regular basis, and you’ll be surprised just how quickly more and more things you can be grateful for begin showing up in your life… including more financial prosperity, career and business opportunities, positively-charged people and more!
And to help you shift yourself into a frequency of gratitude, I have an exclusive gift for you...
Introducing the “Grateful: Happy, Healthy & Wealthy”
Guided Audio Meditation – My Gift to You!
When you listen to this free 10-minute guided audio meditation, you will:
Generate an instant wave of gratitude for yourself and your life – even if it’s only the ability to walk through this day, to see the sky, or to see the smile on a stranger’s face. A grateful heart is a wealthy heart!
Shift your focus away from what seems to be missing or wrong, so that you’re more easily able to direct your awareness toward what you would love to expand and experience more of in your life.
Begin to see golden opportunities that were here all along, but you simply weren’t able to see them from the frequency of fear, doubt, worry and criticism. Gratitude is an open door to a happier, healthier and wealthier life!
Shift Into a Frequency of Gratitude and
Amplify Your Abundance In Just 10 Minutes
Please tell us where to send your FREE 10-minute “Grateful: Happy, Healthy & Wealthy”
guided meditation from bestselling author, Mary Morrissey: