Ready to Quiet Your Inner
Critic, Increase Your Confidence
and Bring Your Best, MOST AUTHENTIC
SELF into Any Situation?

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to Learn More

Normally, The Power of Self-Confidence™ meditation series is available to the public for $97.
But because my entire life’s purpose is to support others in living lives that they truly love living, and because this highly-advanced meditation series WILL help you do precisely that…

Today you have the opportunity to gain access to this complete system of transformation, including 2 wonderful bonus gifts that are worth $101 – for the very reasonable one-time investment of JUST $27!
Maybe you’re about to go into an important meeting with your boss… or go out on that date with that person you’re really attracted to… or you’re about to speak in front of a group of people… or have a tough conversation you need to have to someone… And your palms are sweaty and you’re feeling “wobbly” inside.
Would you love to quiet the voice of your inner critic and have greater faith in yourself and your own abilities, so that you can bring your best, most authentic self to every interaction and situation you find yourself in?
The guided audio meditation gift I've just sent you will help you increase your level of self-confidence, anytime you feel the need for an extra boost.
And, if you’re the kind of person who is deeply committed to their own growth and development, and you’d love to increase your level of AUTHENTIC confidence to a much larger degree… then the COMPLETE Power of Self-Confidence™ meditation series will help you do precisely that!
There’s a Power Within You That’s Far Greater Than Any
Circumstance or Situation You‘ll Ever Find Yourself In
Highly successful people feel anxiety, fear and worry just like everyone else.
However, they’ve come to understand – either consciously or unconsciously – that there’s a power within them that is far more powerful than any circumstance, situation or condition they‘ll ever find themselves in.
Even when they’re faced with a situation that may feel scary, or that they may not know how to get through, they believe in themselves and their own abilities. They “feel the fear and do it anyway.” And this calm confidence allows them to create extraordinary results in their lives!
The Power of Self-Confidence™
A 5-Part Meditation Series Designed to Help You Quiet Your Inner Critic & Increase Your
The Power of Self-Confidence™ is a 5-part guided audio meditation series designed to help you quiet the inner voices of doubt and worry, develop unshakeable confidence in yourself and your own abilities, and feel completely comfortable and at ease in any situation… no matter who you‘re speaking with or what‘s going on around you!
The guided audio meditation I’ve sent you today is actually the first part of this program.
But there are several more levels to the program that are designed to help you increase your self-confidence to an even greater degree.
And right here on this page, I’d like to give you the opportunity to access the COMPLETE 5-day meditation series for a fraction of the regular price!
No Experience with Meditation?
No Problem!
Don’t worry if you’ve never meditated before, or if you’ve tried to without a lot of success.
Meditation is simply a way of quieting the mind, which allows you to relax and tune in to the frequency of the Infinite intelligence that flows through all things in the Universe, including you and me.
This Infinite intelligence seeks to guide you away from people, experiences and things that are contractive, and toward opportunities for greater expansion, abundance and fulfillment in all areas of your life.
Most of us have a hard time tuning into this guidance from the Infinite. Often, the endless chitter chatter of our mind gets in the way!
But, with these guided meditation audios on hand, I’ll guide you through how to quiet your mind so that you can connect with Infinite intelligence more easily, and begin benefitting from its wisdom and guidance.
What You’ll Find Inside The Power of Self-Confidence™
Your 5-part guided audio meditation program will work like this...
DAY 1: “DNA of Authentic Confidence” Meditation
In this first meditation that I’ve already sent you as a gift today, you’ll come to discover that true, authentic confidence is NOT based on your past behavior, your history, your talents, or your IQ… it’s based on coming to know that there’s a power within you that’s FAR GREATER than any circumstance, condition or situation that you‘ll ever find yourself in!
DAY 2: “Feeling the Fear and Doing It Anyway” Meditation
This meditation will empower and embolden you to easily move through situations that, in the past, may have caused you to hesitate or be in fear, so that you’ll become unstoppable and be able to do more of what excites and inspires you.
DAY 3: “Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities” Meditation
You can use this meditation as a powerful tool to help you reframe past experiences that you perceive as failures that may have chipped away at your self-esteem and left you doubting your abilities… and turn any future setbacks into stepping stones for greater success!
DAY 4: “Clear, Confident Decision Maker” Meditation
This meditation will support you in connecting to your intuition, your inner guidance system, that – if you let it – seeks to guide you away from people and situations that are not in alignment with your highest good… and toward opportunities to move into a freer, fuller, and more expansive life.
DAY 5: “Freedom from the Opinions of Others” Meditation
This simple but extremely powerful audio meditation will support you in strengthening your relationship with yourself, so that the criticism of others will slide right off of you like water off a duck’s back!
You can listen to the guided audio meditations right from your computer or you can download them onto your smartphone or other mobile device and take them with you.
Each meditation also comes with a “gold nuggets” guide that you can download and print that lists the most important teachings shared in that particular meditation.
Plus you will also receive 5 downloadable PDF workbooks I’ve created to help guide you through each day of the program and give you a place to record your insights
and breakthrough as they arise!
You’ll Also Receive TWO Truly Helpful Bonus Gifts Worth $101
Today, you'll gain instant access to:
“5-Point Test” Package ($37 value) In the 5-Point Test video and worksheet you’ll receive access to, I’ll guide you through 5 paradigm-shifting questions you can ask yourself that will reveal whether or not a desire, goal or intention that you have for your future is TRULY in alignment with your purpose... or not!
“Grit and Grace” Audio Program ($64 value) You’ll receive a free copy this 28-minute audio program, designed to help you find that grit in yourself, and the grace, to go ahead and DO the things you really want to do, and BE the person you really want to be.
The Total Value for the Meditation Series and the Bonus Gifts is Worth $198,
but today I want to make this available to you for only a one-time investment of JUST $27!
Power of Self Confidence Series + Bonus Items
$198 ONLY $27!
Take All the Time You Need…
Try The Power of Self-Confidence™ for a Full 90 Days at No Risk
I invite you to go through this entire 5-part meditation series, experience each of the guided meditations, go through the workbooks and each of the bonuses you’ll receive.
If you don't feel that the meditation series was a fit for you for any reason, simply let us know within 90 days and we'll promptly return your money to you with no questions asked.
So as you can see, you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking action today!
Ready to Quiet Your Inner Critic, Increase Your Confidence &
Bring Your Best, Most Authentic Self Into Any Situation?
Click on the button below, enter your details on the secure order page you see next, and within minutes you’ll have access to everything that’s waiting for you inside the entire Power of Forgiveness™ meditation series, including your bonus gifts... and all at a fraction of the normal price.
Go ahead and do this now, and let’s get you started. You’ll be so glad you did!
Mary Morrissey
Bestselling author of No Less than Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams
Founder of Brave Thinking Institute™