Want time and money freedom… but feel like something is standing in your way?
Get Instant Access to Mary Morrissey’s 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money Program
Now imagine if there were an easy, step-by-step system that would give you the financial abundance you
seek and need to create true time freedom… plus increased peace of mind, joy and fulfillment.
Well, there is. And by using this system, you’ll master the secrets to unlocking the abundant power that’s already
inside of you… to create exactly the life you dream of and deserve…
Hi, I’m Mary Morrissey, and empowering people to achieve new heights of spiritual aliveness, wealth and authentic success has been my passion and mission for the past 45+ years. I’m the founder and owner of the premier life coach certification company in the world.
A sought-after expert on the “Invisible Side of Success," I’ve been honored to speak three times at the United Nations, facilitate three different week-long meetings with His Holiness The Dalai Lama, and meet with Nelson Mandela in Cape Town, South Africa, to address the most significant issues our world is facing.
As a world-class inspirational speaker, executive coach and corporate consultant for over four decades, my transformational talks and seminars have made me one of the elite teachers in personal development. I hold a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology, an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters and am the author of two best-selling books, No Less Than Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams, which became a PBS special.
But of all my achievements and degrees in higher learning, my favorites are the two black belts I’ve earned, one in Success and the other in Failure.
My blackbelt in Success comes from building three multi-million-dollar companies. And, my blackbelt in Failure has been equally instructive in discovering the system for what creates more abundance in our lives. And I’m going to share that system and how it can work for you today.
You see, my life wasn’t always the success it is today. In fact, back in 1981, I hit a life-altering financial rock bottom. That’s when I discovered the truth about why we struggle to create abundance – even when we’re familiar with the spiritual laws of abundance.
For close to a year, my children’s father and I had been exploring the United States with our four children (who were all under the age of 13 at the time) while I spoke at 100 different churches around the country. We bought an old Checker Marathon to drive around in, and a 28-foot travel trailer to tow behind for all of us to cook, eat and sleep in.
It was a magical time for us as a family, and incredibly fulfilling for me. I was living my calling, and it filled me with untold joy and satisfaction.
But the longer our journey stretched, the more our bank account shrunk. One day, I went to make dinner and realized my kitchen cupboards were bare – and I had only $3.31 in my wallet. All I could afford were two bags of dried peas to make split pea soup… and my kids didn’t even like split pea soup!
I felt like a failure as a mother – and frustrated and confused. I had been studying the universal laws of abundance for a few years by then. I knew in my heart that we live in an abundant universe… so what was I doing wrong? How could I still be stuck in a position of scraping by and worrying constantly about how I'd provide for my family?
I made the best of the situation in the moment, buying two flavors of peas to make the meal more enticing for my kids. And while the soup simmered, I had a conversation with myself and God. I vowed that I would do whatever it took to take the ideas of abundance and the prosperity principles I had studied, and translate them into real, measurable, freedom-making results in my own life.
I promised myself that I would go wherever I needed to go so that I could finally learn from the individuals who not only knew about abundance, but who successfully turned the laws of abundance into real-world results.
And once I had real-world results of my own, I was going to make it my mission to share it with others.
Now, that decision wasn't easy. And it wasn't convenient… because great opportunities rarely are. I invested the next ten years of researching, studying and travelling to learn from the world’s greatest prosperity teachers.
During those ten years, I met with other spiritual teachers – who knew more than I did at the time – to discover a proven, reliable, repeatable system for transforming the abundance that is everywhere into the kind of real-world results we all want in our lives.
What I discovered on my journey was…
There are both laws of abundance and abundance blocks - and these energies work in opposition to each other.
When you know what the laws of abundance are – and how to use them – it’s like pressing your foot on the accelerator of your life.
But when you’re being controlled by hidden abundance blocks, it doesn’t matter how hard you push on the accelerator. These blocks are like having your other foot smashed down on the brake. You won’t get very far and it won’t be a smooth ride.
The key to creating the abundance you want is
mastering the laws of abundance AND releasing the blocks.
This is the ONLY way you can create the financial abundance, time freedom, joy,
fulfillment and peace of mind that, deep down, we all want.
These Laws of Abundance haven't just worked for me, they've worked for thousands of people I've shared this system with, and these Laws will work for you too!
In all my years of research, I’ve discovered that there are actually 8 abundance blocks that can completely sabotage your progress and keep you from the results you want – IF you don’t know what they are and how to overcome them.
I bet you do. Most people have them… which means that
it’s normal to have these blocks pressing down on the brakes of your life, impeding your ability to experience greater income, joy, and time freedom with those you love.
You’re paying a steep price.
Now consider how many years you’ve been feeling the discontent of not having enough financial or time freedom in your life…
If you’re like most people who are brave enough to face this truth, the realization of how much abundance blocks are costing you is painful.
But with truth and awareness comes freedom. Before we can make a shift, we first have to know where we are and why we want to make that shift.
My 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money program is a proven, reliable and repeatable system designed specifically to help you:
In just 8 weeks, this groundbreaking, online program will guide you to raise your vibration so that you become a magnet for ushering in greater financial flow, time freedom, joy and fulfillment in your life.
If any of these statements resonate with you, 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money is the vehicle to the greater abundance that you’ve been waiting for.
To help you imagine the possibilities, take a look at how life changed for a few of my students after adopting the principles you’ll discover in 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money…
Linna worked long hours… 60 to 80 hours a week. She had a tiny two-bedroom house with 1 bathroom, a husband and 2 daughters. She said she had to make an appointment to use the bathroom in her own home! She yearned for more… like a new, larger home for her family… her own bathroom… and the freedom to take vacations and travel first class.
She believed that she had to work really hard for money. As a result, she was always working harder -- even on vacation, even at home in the evenings, even on weekends. She always had work on her mind.
Today, Linna and her family live in a spacious, 4-bedroom, 6-bathroom home. She travels the world with her husband, traveling first class when they visited the 7 Wonders of the World. And her income has skyrocketed from $100,000 per year to more $3 million per year. This is what abundance looks like for Linna.
Jubril once told me he felt like a “loser.” He was earning $15,000 to $20,000 per year as a realtor. With a divorce, child support and trying to survive, he was living a life of struggle.
Jubril enrolled in the program with me and in a mere SIX MONTHS, went from earning $20,000 a year to being the top agent in his office, now grossing $120,000 a year. He’s married to the love of his life and is able to support his daughter in private school. This is what abundance looks like for Jubril.
Before learning how to live an abundant life, Damon Darnell was giving up a great life because he was settling for “good.” He was working in a job that provided just enough money, but took away his time. His marriage was lacking, he had constant back pain and thought a surgery would be in his future.
After working with Mary’s program, good is no longer good enough! He launched a 7-figure drone business in just 7 months. With the freedom that his new wealth has provided, he was able to take off an entire month for his wife’s birthday. His health has soared and he now enjoys zip lining, diving, riding his dirt bike and lifting weights.
Dr. Carol Currier, a physician, found herself feeling burnt out and wishing simply for someone to come along and take her medical practice and building lease off her hands. She had no idea what lay ahead as she began her work with Mary.
In just a few short months, she received an offer to sell her practice for 100 times what she originally thought she would ask… an astonishing $1.2 million. Since then, she realized her dream of travelling to Africa to work with primates. That led her to working with Jane Goodall and the chimpanzees. She has also been able to travel on medical missions to Nicaragua and Ecuador to serve the Quechua people.
This system has worked for thousands of people, from all walks of life, from all over the world…
And when you apply this system accurately, it will work for you, too!
When you enroll today, you’ll get instant access to your private member’s area, where a new one-hour masterclass will be unlocked for you each week. Watch these simple, easy-to-follow, video-based masterclasses on your computer, tablet, or smart phone whenever – and wherever – is most convenient.
Inside these masterclasses, you’ll discover all 8 abundance blocks – and the 8 laws of abundance that highly successful people use to take their own results to the next level.
Say goodbye to the guesswork of knowing how to apply your new knowledge to your everyday life. Each of the 8 weekly lessons includes a short action guide that gives you a simple and highly effective activity to ground what you’ve learned. By applying these principles to your life, you’ll actually become a magnet to the abundance you want.
To attract the abundance you want, you must raise your vibration. That’s exactly what these meditations do for you.
To harness the immense power of your subconscious mind, you’ll receive a new money manifestation meditation each week. I’ve carefully created these meditations specifically to support the learning and transformation in each week’s lesson.
Listen to these simple, enjoyable, 10-minute meditations each day so they can propel you up the abundance scale and help you stay connected to the true source of all abundance.
When you enroll today, we’ll assign a “personal concierge” – a trained person on our team who is just a quick phone call away if you have any questions on your journey.
8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money makes it simple and easy to expand your abundance. Each week, you:
All it takes is one hour each week – plus about 10 minutes a day – to reprogram
your subconscious mind and connect to the abundant life you dream of.
Other programs on the scale of what 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money offers cost anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000.
But I wanted to make 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money affordable for as many people as possible. If you go to our online store, you’ll see that this life-changing program – the entire system, the lessons, action guides, meditations, private member’s site, and the personal concierge – sells for $797.
And it’s worth every penny – and even 4 times as much!
But humanity is heading into a unique time… and it’s calling me to do even more to make this program accessible to anyone who is serious about increasing abundance.
I believe that never before on this planet have we had a greater need for more
wealthy, conscious people who will do good and make a positive impact with their
abundance than RIGHT NOW.
So, in that spirit, and to make it easy for you to take action, I have a special, limited time offer for you…
When you enroll now in 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money,your investment won’t be $797. It will be just $397 – that’s 50% off the normal investment!
You can choose ONE easy payment – or we’re offering a simple payment plan to get you going for just $157 today.
Let’s work together to remove your abundance blocks and create the time and money freedom you really want in your life. Click the button below for instant access.
You can choose 1 easy payment – or we’re offering simple payment plan to get you going for just $157 today.
Let’s work together to remove your abundance blocks and create the time and money freedom you really want in your life. Click the button below for instant access.
DreamBuilder® LIVE is my signature, 3-day live transformational event that has helped thousands of people from all over the world to create lives they love.
Tickets to DreamBuilder® LIVE are normally $1,197 EACH, and you’ll receive 2 tickets absolutely free the moment you enroll in 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money. That’s a $2,394 value!
Seats at DreamBuilder® LIVE are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and this life-changing event always sells out. Enroll today to claim your tickets – and lock in your spots.
Imagine a community of spiritual, heart-centered individuals committed to increasing their income and the impact they make in this world.
And, imagine this community is also committed to supporting its members achieve their dreams.
Now… imagine that you are a part of that community!
That’s exactly what this bonus is – a community to help lift you up when you face challenges and with whom you can share wins because you’re all on the same journey.
This community will inspire you, support you and help connect you to what’s possible. Being a member is priceless for your growth and for the connections you’ll make.
Imagine how good it feels to know you can go through this program at your own pace. I want you to have the peace of mind of knowing that you can come back to these lessons when you need them the most so that you can continue expanding your abundance for the rest of your life.
That’s why I’m giving you lifetime access to this powerful system so that you can return to it again and again. Be supported by the lessons as often as you like, whenever you like – so you can continue to expand and attract ever-increasing levels of abundance.
Sometimes it takes a certain perspective to see the opportunities available to you in order to accomplish your dream. I like to call this “operating at a genius level”. Operating at a genius level enables you to easily move away from common hour thinking and call upon your full potential to create and attract the abundance you want.
To help you do this, I developed the 90 Days Of Abundance program. Each morning you’ll receive an email with a Video, Meditation, or Inspirational Quote to help you tune to the world of infinite abundance and call in exactly the dreams you desire.
Following these daily practices, you’ll naturally raise your vibration and develop a “genius of abundance” mindset that will lead you to a life you absolutely love!
But you can get instant access right now for far less. Choose the one easy payment of $397 – or the payment plan that gets you going for just $157 today?
Enroll today, go through the entire system, and put these laws of abundance to work in your life.
If, at any time during the next year, you don’t believe the program was worth your investment, we’ll refund you every penny, 100% – no questions, no hassle.
That’s more than fair, don’t you agree? You literally have nothing to lose by taking action today – so go ahead and enroll now!
This 50% off offer with more than $4,000 in bonuses won’t last long -- so take action today. We have a limited number of spots for this special offer with all the bonuses ... and once they are gone they are gone. Enroll now!
Here’s a little secret about human beings and abundance… we all have abundance “thermostats” that determine how much abundance we experience in our lives.
When your abundance levels fall below where your “thermostat” is set… you’ll unconsciously shift to start attracting more abundance until it matches your thermostat setting – just like your heating system kicks in when your house gets too cold.
When your abundance level gets too high, you’ll unconsciously do things to close yourself off until your abundance falls back down to your thermostat setting – just like the air conditioning system cools your house off until it matches your thermostat.
If you want to know where your thermostat is set, just look at the results and life you’re experiencing right now. My guess is that they are lower than you’d like them to be, which means it’s essential that you raise the setting on your thermostat to allow in more abundance!
If you relish the idea of things staying the same, then by all means… don’t seize this opportunity.
But if you crave a different, better and more abundant life – and more importantly, you’re ready to
take action to create it…
I would love to help you, just like I’ve helped so many others.
One key difference that separates the most successful people in the world from the rest is their ability to take action quickly when given an opportunity that can really help them increase their abundance.
This is your opportunity. Are you ready to seize it?
Imagine what it will mean to your life and your family because you’re now allowing the flow of even greater abundance, joy and positive energy… and consistently increasing the good in your life, rather than plateauing.
Imagine how much more peace of mind – and how much less stress – you’ll experience because you’re now in better control of your results.
Imagine the satisfaction and gratitude you’ll feel because you’re able to spend an abundance of time with those you love – in the way you want – enjoying more connection, laughter and fun as you create lasting memories.
Imagine the thrill of finally giving your loved ones that amazing experience you’ve always wanted them to have… seeing the excited looks on their faces when you take them on a dream vacation to the place you’ve always wanted to go.
Imagine the fulfillment and deep feeling of meaning you’ll get when you give the impactful support you dream of to the charity or cause you believe in.
I want you to imagine these types of transformations… because these are the stories I hear again and again from people who have learned and applied this life-changing system to their lives. It’s the experience I’ve had – and it can be the experience you have, too, when you choose to join me.
You’ve been craving greater time and money freedom for years – perhaps even your entire life.
You deserve to have all of the abundance and freedom you want in your life. It’s in your spiritual DNA to want this kind of freedom.
Now it’s time to take the next step… and enroll in 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money so I can share the step-by-step system to:
Let’s do this together!
You can get started today for just $397 or 3 easy payments of just $157. That’s half-off the normal tuition.
P.S. This limited-availability offer won't last long. Lock in your spot for 50% and claim your $4,000+ in bonus gifts by enrolling now.