FREE CONFIDENCE KIT: Feel More Confident In Your Body And More Radiant, Vibrant & ALIVE In Your Life

Enter your details below to receive your free Confidence Kit instantly:
The eBook and Love Your Body Guided Meditation you’ll receive inside this free kit will help you:

Begin the process of repatterning disempowering thoughts and habits about yourself and your body that may be blocking your weight loss goals.
Release feelings of unworthiness, deepen unconditional self love, and create more health and vitality from the inside out.
Speak your truth more boldly, love yourself more fully and express your gifts more freely in the world!

BONUS GIFT: Receive FREE access to health and well-being expert, Jennifer Jimenez's upcoming Online Master Class, 3 Surprising Ways to Release Unwanted Weight and Unleash Your Inner Confidence and Divine Radiance.
Meet Master Health and Well-Being Coach, Jennifer Joy Jiménez
Jennifer is a highly sought after health and well-being expert, professional speaker and transformational life coach, and the founder of the company Vibrant Healthy Living. She’s also the creator of the highly-acclaimed Vibrant Healthy Woman program.
Through her live events, trainings and cutting-edge programs, Jennifer has empowered thousands of women worldwide to become more confident, healthy, joyful, abundant and full of life, so that they feel fully empowered to make the difference they are here to make in the world.
Jennifer’s work has been featured in many publications including Self, Shape, Oxygen, Woman’s World, and on TV on Fox Business, NBC News and more.
She’s also shared the stage with some of the world’s greatest thought leaders including Marianne Williamson, Bruce H. Lipton, Maya Angelou, Byron Katie, Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra.
Jennifer’s products and programs have been featured in...

Rave Reviews:

Mary Morrissey
International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, CEO Consultant, Visionary, Empowerment Specialist
“Jennifer Joy Jiménez has helped thousands break free from limitation to a truly vibrant healthy life, and she can help you, too! When you work with Jennifer not only will your body thank you, but your life will be transformed.”

Tera Warner
Frisky founder of the world's largest online raw food cleansing and detoxification programs for women.
“Jennifer Joy Jiménez creates the safety within which stiff, overworked and out-of-touch women like myself can open the floodgates to increased self-love, femininity, flexibility and freedom, and develop the courage to move and express ourselves with confidence and authenticity.”

Debbie Rosas
The CEO, founder, and co-creator of Nia, and credited with establishing the mind-body fitness category.
“Jennifer is a gifted, creative teacher. She reminds us that we can evolve into spirited and spiritual beings who celebrate the joy and gift of life in the body.”

Kathy Gauthier-Shubik
Owner/Director, Irene’s Myomassology Institute
(The largest nationally accredited massage school in the Midwest)
“I strongly recommend anyone to practice and/or learn from Jennifer; take that opportunity and run with it because it is an amazing, wonderful, life transformational opportunity.”
If you have questions feel free to email clientcare@vibranthealthyliving.com