“We can only succeed at that which we truly understand.”

Confidently Launch A Successful Coaching Business By Breaking Free of “The 5 Myths of Coaching”

Discover the 5 most common myths shackling people from pursuing their dream of becoming a transformational life coach

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If you feel called to help others & make a difference in the world, but you’re still hesitating to become a life coach – you need to watch this!

Of the 3700+ coaches we’ve trained and certified in the last decade...

The vast majority had dreamed of coaching for years – and only decided to follow their calling after countless hours of doubt, skepticism and hesitation.

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The problem?

Most of these people had fallen prey to the top 5 coaching myths!

Watch this FREE video now and you’ll discover:

  • The 5 wide-spread lies & misunderstandings possibly holding you back from the meaningful vocation you’ve been dreaming of
  • Why you don’t need to have your life 100% perfect to be an effective, sought-after coach
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  • The truth about starting coaching while in a full-time job (and whether or not you can really support a family as a beginner life coach)
  • An essential beginner strategy for attracting new clients in any niche
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  • Why you don’t have to be a big-name or sales/marketing guru to quickly build a sustainable coaching business. (Many of our most successful coaches had ZERO business experience when they first started)
  • Some of our success stories here at the Brave Thinking Institute, including Stacey, who replaced her corporate executive salary in her first year as a coach!

Life coaching is one of the most impactful, transformational professions in the world.

So if you’re feeling called to help others and make a difference in the lives of others, but you’ve hesitated to commit to coaching up until now…

One of these 5 myths is likely holding you back.

Watch this video, and you just might free yourself to pursue the vocation of your dreams!